Sunday, October 5, 2008

Multi Agent based approach to support HCI

Multi-modal human computer interaction indicates that human can be interacted with computer by use of keyboard  and mouse, also by using gesture, brow and speech. 

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the technique that investigates person, computer and their mutual influence. The user interface is the medium and thoroughfare for exchanging information between human being and computer, and is an important part of computer system. The human computer interaction has consanguineous relation to user interface, but they are two different concepts, the former emphasize technique and model, the latter is a key part of computer . Human computer interaction is an emphases problem in the information-processing field; its development directly affects evolvement of information processing field on a certain meaning. 
Human computer interaction technique substantially experienced 3 development stages from 1960s to 1990s [3]. 

  • Bore interface era (1960s-1970s): User import data by pulling switches, inputting punched tape or card, obtain output data by reading LED display or getting hard copy.
  •  Command interface era (1970s-1980s): Human computer interaction concentrates on the technique similar to typewriter. User input data by pressing keyboard, get results by use of CRT or hard copy.
  •  GUI era (1980s-1990s): Information is exchanged between user and computer based on WIMP (Window, Icon, Menu and Pointing device) GUI. The desktop becomes main working environment of human computer interaction.
At the present time, PUI (Perception User Interface) is a new researching focus of human computer interaction. PUI would become mainstream and trend of human computer interaction technique, because of its favorable, natural interaction characteristics.  In the course of interaction with environment, people use many perception channels such as feeling, vision or hearing and response channels uch as speech, eye expression or action in parallel. 

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